Black Genius + Black Excellence = Satoshi Millionaire App

What happens when you combine Black Genius with Black Excellence? Well you get the Satoshi Millionaire App!
The Satoshi Millionaire App is a mobile application developed by Black Bitcoin Billionaire (BBB) Club Founder and software developer, Lamar Wilson. Wilson coded the mobile app to streamline the club’s distribution of Satoshis throughout the Black Bitcoin Billionaire Club community. The mobile app allowed thousands of Black Bitcoin Billionaire Club supporters to receive individual Satoshi gifts over a 4 day period in April 2021. This amazing app also allowed the club’s team of 100 Black Bitcoin Billionaire Ambassadors to send, track, and confirm those cryptocurrency transactions easily and efficiently using Cash App. What an amazing use of technology to enable long term impact at scale! Black Bitcoin Billionaire Club Ambassador Janice Temple said “The app made it easy to use the clipboard [to send the Satoshis out]. It cut down on the processing time [of the effort].” Temple sent Satoshis to more than 300 BBB supporters. With the help of the Satoshi Millionaire app, the BBB Club has created thousands of Bitcoin investors!
This effort is a part of the Black Bitcoin Billionaire’s Satoshi Millionaire Challenge, an initiative courtesy of an on-going partnership between the Black Bitcoin Billionaire Club and Cash App, which is owned by Square. The original Satoshi Millionaire challenge started in February 2021, when a handful of BBB club moderators used their personal funds to begin rewarding winners of the Club’s extremely popular “Who Wants To Be A Satoshi Millionaire" game. Since then, the Black Bitcoin Billionaire Club has grown to include a number of sponsors including Casa, and the Exodus wallet. We salute Lamar Wilson for this incredible contribution to the Bitcoin ecosystem and to the Black community.