Black Bitcoin Billionaire Club: (Weekly Schedule April 13, 2021 Update)

The goal of the Black Bitcoin Billionaire Club is to be the premiere Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Education resource on Clubhouse. We work hard to coordinate so many amazing educational rooms to teach you about Bitcoin, cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology. Check out our latest schedule below!
Wake Up With Bitcoin; Bitcoin Basic For Beginners:(Mondays - Fridays, 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM,ET), This room is led by Dr. Shalair Armstrong and other moderators including CPW, Charlene Fadirepo. This room starts at 6 AM with Dr. Shalair’s brief Bitcoin overview. If you want to get started in Bitcoin in a fun, safe, and friendly environment, this is the room for you.
Mining for Beginners:(Tuesdays, 8 AM) This room is led by Gabriel Jimenez, Tarrence Mack and several other moderators. Cryptocurrency mining allows you to earn Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency without having to use your money to purchase it. Join this room to learn about the foundations of cryptocurrency mining and how you can get started!
Bitcoin for Baby Boomers:(Tuesdays, 12:30 PM - 2:45 PM,ET) This room is led by GrannyCrypto (Erlene Miller), Josh Kimbrow, and Fred Brandon. GrannyCrypto is a seasoned Bitcoin Baby Boomer and she is sure to get your senior family members on board the Bitcoin bandwagon! If you are a baby boomer, or you are working to introduce your parents or senior friends to Bitcoin please invite them to this room!
Ledger N Me 1-2-3: (JUST ADDED!)(3rd Saturday of the month, 10 AM PT) This event is sponsored by CryptoBlockChain Plug. Ledger N Me 1-2-3 is an event focused on teaching you how to set up and use your Ledger digital wallet. For more information click here:
Crypto Virgin Hour:(Mondays - Fridays, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM,ET) This room is led by Najah Roberts (founder of CryptoBlockChainPlug), Fred Brandon (Executive Director of CryptoKidsCamp), Josh Kimbrow and several other moderators. From blockchain technology, to scammers, to stacking Sats, no question is off limits! This lively action packed room is yet another opportunity for you to get your basic Bitcoin questions answered in a safe and friendly environment. On Wednesdays, join this room on Zoom for CryptoBlockChainPlug Office Hours.
Bitcoin After Dark:(Mondays & Wednesday, 9:00 PM - Until, ET) This room is led by Tarrence Mack and several other moderators. Do you want to learn about Bitcoin freedom after a long grueling day at the office? We got you covered with this new evening room! Please join this room to get your basic bitcoin questions answered in a fun, safe and friendly environment.
Teaching Bitcoin to the Babies (Kids):(Thursdays, 4:00 PM - 6:00PM, ET) This room is led by Charlene Fadirepo, Jakumi Randolph, and T M’aat. During this exciting room we share tools, tips, and tricks to share bitcoin and cryptocurrency concepts with our children. From digital inheritances to allocating cryptocurrency for kids, we discuss the issues you need to know to transfer your digital wealth to the next generation. Parents, bring your children to the second hour of the room to get their bitcoin questions answered by the moderators and their children! Also if you have a budding young entrepreneur in your family, bring them to our room and we will bring them on stage to share their venture with the world.
The Genesis Block:(Mondays, 11:00 AM, ET) This room is led by software developer Lamar Wilson, who is the Founder of the Black Bitcoin Billionaire Club. During this room Lamar is joined by the Black Bitcoin Billionaire Club’s core moderator team which includes GrannyCrypto, Josh Kimbrow, Fred Brandon, Najah Roberts, Charlene Fadirepo, Dr. Shalair Armstrong, Jakumi Randolph, BlackRegal, Terrance Mack, Bitcoin Trentino, Retti, and CryptoQuavo. The moderators are also joined by the Gentlemen of Crypto (King and Isaiah Jackson) as well Bitcoin Vegan (Justin R.) This room is broadcasted live on YouTube and Facebook and opens with an awesome review of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency news highlights from the Gentlemen of Crypto. From discussions on the impact of Bitcoin on the Black community, to blockchain technology, to the future of finance, this room is the place for a higher level discussion on Bitcoin and its impact on the world. During the second hour of the show Lamar and the moderators take more advanced questions from Facebook and on Clubhouse.
Black Bitcoin Billionaires Office Hours:This periodic room is led by Black Bitcoin Billionaire Club Founder, and software developer Lamar Wilson. Have you stacked your Sats, and gotten your Bitcoin foundation, but you still want to learn more? This is the room for you! This room is the perfect opportunity to get your more advanced Bitcoin questions answered. Be sure to follow Lamar Wilson to be notify when this room is available.
BBB Game Night: Who Want’s To Be Satoshi Millionaire & PTR Game: (Thursdays 9/10 PM, ET) Are you in the mood for some Bitcoin trivia fun? Our Who Wants To Be A Satoshi Millionaire Room is the BBB’s flagship room for Bitcoin on Trivia fun! Led by super host and BBB Club Founder, Lamar Wilson, this room is sure to sharpen your Bitcoin knowledge! Jump on stage in this room to answer Bitcoin trivia from the BBB Club moderators and earn Satoshis for you or your family! Our all time high was making 3 BBB Club members Satoshi Millionaires in one night. Stay for the second hour of the room and play our world famous Pull To Refresh (PTR) Game, a game where players update their profile pictures to be the first to answer fun and interesting riddles shared by Lamar Wilson.
Club Quavo:(Saturdays, 9 PM) Club Quavo is a whole entire VIBE, where the Bitcoin Bubbly is poppin and the VIP is open all night. This Bitcoin experience is led by CryptoQuavo and Lamar Wilson. In this room the BBB moderators listen to great music, while “orange pilling” celebrity guests. Past guests have included NAACP Award Winner Hill Harper, Saxophonist Walter Beasley, NBA player Jamal Boykins, Grammy Award Winning Rapper Lacrae.